
iMoscow Complex Project at Hannover Messe 2016

Клиент: Moscow City Government

Площадь: 330 sq.m

Площадка: Hannover exhibition grounds

Год: 2016

Description of project

At the Hannover Messe 2016 we created an exhibition booth for Moscow City Government and provided technical equipment and support during the Messe.
The main architectural challenge of the exhibition booth was to visually emphasize industrial and innovative image of Moscow and create multifunctional space for presentation and display of industrial companies that already manufacture in Moscow and their products using the latest technological achievements and multimedia content.
The main space-planning accent was made at the presentation zone, where the companies present their products using augmented reality technologies, while meeting rooms were integrated in the main two-storey construction and the cafe was placed on the second floor. Total square: 350 sq.m.

Design Concept


© Design Dossier LLC
Complex exhibition projects
119019 г. Москва, Муниципальный округ Хамовники, Гоголевский бульвар, д.17, стр.1