
Exclusive exhibition stand of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia,Goszakaz Forum

Клиент: Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Площадь: 123 sq.m

Площадка: Skolkovo Innovation Center

Год: 2022

Description of project

At the XVII All-Russian Forum-exhibition “State Order-2022”, the Design Dossier company implemented a project to create an exclusive exhibition stand for the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

The key task  was to create the most open, strict and at the same time accessible exhibition space.

Within the framework of the project, a range of services was carried out: from design development to complex development and technical support during the days of the event.

Design Concept



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© Design Dossier LLC
Complex exhibition projects
119019 г. Москва, Муниципальный округ Хамовники, Гоголевский бульвар, д.17, стр.1